Sunday, September 29, 2013

29th September, 2013

I can't believe its been a few weeks since handover. Time is flying by. We have almost managed to unpack everything, however, there is a corner in our garage dedicated to "stuff" that we just don't have any room for. One thing that our house does lack is storage space. We are thinking that some time in the future we might have to add one of those drop down ladders where our man hole is and put a floor in our roof, that way we can store more "stuff".

All we have seem to have done over the past few weeks is unpack, clean, clean and clean. It takes such a long time to get rid of all the dust from the build and because we are in a new estate, there is still so much construction going on from other homes and new blocks of land being created that the dust never seems to leave. It doesn't help when we don't have grass yet either.

It has been really tiring these past few weeks, but we are getting there and finally starting to settle in.

Our media room modular lounge was delivered this week and we were so disappointed with what we recieved. The lounge arrived with dirty marks all over it, some of which were from the delivery drivers unpacking it and some which looked like dust and dirty marks from sitting in the factory. We had been waiting 10 weeks for this lounge and it was my favourite of all 3 x lounges we bought. We almost didn't accept the delivery because of its condition. I was straight on the phone to Nick Scali whilst the delivery drivers were still unpacking it and told them about the state it was in and they said they will organise for a local upholsterer to come out and have a look and try to clean it. I don't think cleaning is going to be enough though. The cushions are deformed and different heights. We really don't want to keep it. We will see how we go with the upholsterer and make a decision after that.

There is still so much to do, but money is slowly dwindling away. Its amazing how quickly it goes. You forget about the little things like paint brushes, turps, tape, baskets, cleaning products, garbage bags, hooks, drawers for the boys rooms built in wardrobes etc that you have to buy. I've been spending hundreds left, right and centre without having factored these things in.

The next big thing on our list is the rear fence retaining wall as our neighbours never put one in. We are hoping we won't have any issues and they play nice. Because our rear fence is the rear boundary fence for their pool, once our backyard is levelled, the fence height is only going to be about 950mm high. For it to be compliant with council, it needs to be a minimum 1200 high, so its either going to have to be removed completely and rebuilt which is a big expense or they have to put a retaining wall in. Either way the fence has to be lifted and because its part of theor pool boundary they are liable for the cost of everything, which they won't like.

If and when the rear fence gets sorted, we will then organise the side fences to be put in.

Fun and games ...


  1. We had problems with Nick Scali to they marked just about every wall in hallway and front room plus a nice dint in the wall dragged box's along polished tile floor and to top it of wanted to back the delivery truck up on our 2 day old driveway ,NOT VERY IMPRESSED AT ALL thank goodness MJH use a quality paint most of the mark washed off .
    Your house looks great you must be very happy with it i know we are with ours .

  2. What a shame Brett. We have the upholster turning up tomorrow to have a look to see what can be done. I really don't want to keep it. We have only had it a week and it already looks years old. We are really happy with the house so far. There were a few little leaking water issues under the sinks, but they have all been fixed now. We now have to keep a record of things that need fixing for the warranty period. So far there is really only about two things that I can think of which is great.
