Sunday, August 24, 2014

25th August 2014

We finally had our dining pendant light and the rest of our lights that needed to be installed last Thursday. I'm loving the dining pendant, but I'm not looking forward to having to keep it clean, as I hate dusting and am allergic to dust. I might have to make it a chore for the

I am however disappointed that some of the lights that I wanted to install couldn't be installed due to access issues or gyprock/metal being in the way. There are a couple of lights that I desperately want to put in which I would like to get a second opinion on.

I've been told that some Electricians can be quite lazy and if it takes a bit of effort having to install a light, they don't want to bother and will tell you that its just too hard or access is an issue. An example would be the hallway cutout/niche. Niche's are put in certain places for a reason to display whether it be art or ornaments etc. But our electrician said it was too difficult, which I find bizarre as there is a downlight in the cutout in the display home and other Milano's that I have seen on blogs have downlights in them too. I really want to be able to display some art in the cutout. It would look silly without a light above it.

I also wanted up/down lights on our facade, but according to our Electrician that couldn't happen either. Every other house in our street has them, except ours. It makes our house look really bland with nothing on it. We were able to get 2 x downlights in the eaves above the garage, but not in front of the far right window, which again looks silly at night time, as only the left side of the house has lights on it.

If anyone can recommend an Electrician that will do these types of lights, please let me know.

On the weekend, Pete was able to chip away a little more at our retaining wall, but we had so much rain last week that the ground was just too wet. He spent most of the day trying to get clay off his boots. Hopefully we won't get too much rain this week, so the ground can dry out. I desperately want to get the retaining wall done so I can start on the gardens.

The Service & Warranty Manager from MJH will be calling in this week to look at the maintenance work that was carried out recently. I informed them of my disappointment with some of the work that was done, so hopefully those things will be rectified ASAP and we can move on.

Some pics of the dining pendant (I still need to play with the glass pieces and move them around a bit to make it perfectly round, so in some spots it might look a little odd - it took me a few hours to put them on - such a nightmare). It will look a lot nicer when we get a new dining table, as the one below is only temporary.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

10th August 2014

Our electrician started on our lights this week. Really happy so far. There will be a little bit of patching to do which is a pain. Luckily Pete's brother is a gyprocker. We might have to ask him for a favour...hehe

There are only a few more lights to be installed inside. This Friday will see the rest of the lights installed. I still need to figure out what to do outside. I'm unsure about whether we should put downlights in our eaves yet or whether it will be overkill.

Pete started digging a trench last weekend out the front for our retaining wall. The poor thing has 'man flu' at the moment, so nothing got done this weekend unfortunately. Trying to source leftover bricks from other peoples builds at the moment to save us some money. If you have any spare bricks you want to get rid of, please let me know. We are going to need 1,000 bricks, otherwise I am thinking about buying besser blocks, as it will be quicker and easier to lay and we won't need anywhere near as much. Hopefully the weather will be good next weekend and Pete will be over his man flu, so we can get started on it.

Some pics (some of the house is still unfurnished...long way to go)...